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Home > SkyTrak > How-To Guides > Account Management > How to Register your SkyTrak Launch Monitor
How to Register your SkyTrak Launch Monitor
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SkyTrak Registration


This article outlines how to register your SkyTrak Launch Monitor through both the web browser and the SkyTrak Application.



SkyTrak Browser.

  1. Go to and Log in or Create an Account.
  2. Select My Devices from the menu on the left. 

  3. Input the SN (ESN) number located on the bottom of your SkyTrak Device. *

    * Zero and the letter O look very similar. 
  4. Verify the information and select Submit to complete the registration of your SkyTrak Device


SkyTrak App.

  1. Launch SkyTrak Application.
  2. Sign in or Create an Account.
  3. Connect your SkyTrak Device via Network.
  4. Once connected, select  your User Icon (settings).
  5. Select  
  6. Select   at the bottom of the page, and select    on the following prompt. 
    • The icon    will only appear if your SkyTrak device is connected to the app.


The SkyTrak Unit should be bound to the active SkyTrak Account now.

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