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SkyTrak Technical Specifications

The SkyTrak Launch Monitor uses a plethora of technologies to help track your shot accurately, every time. * * * **What it tracks:** Ball Speed: 0-200mph +/- 1mph Launch Angle: 0-55° +/- 1° Back Spin: 0-12,000rpm +/- 250rpm Side Spin: 0-4,000rpm +/- 250rpm Side Angle: 0-20° +/- 2° **Dimensions: **5.75"(L) x 6.…

Practice Range Guide

Your SkyTrak Launch Monitor and Application give a lot of feedback on the numbers related to how you hit the ball. This guide outlines the different numbers shown in the practice range, and what they mean. * * * ![][1] **Total Distance** * The measurement of distance the ball travels through the air including th…

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