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Showing articles from Setup tag

Pro Tee Play Guide

Pro Tee Play, developed by StickyLock, is a SkyTrak simulator partner program that aims to make improving your golf game fun. It comes with a large library of non-traditional golf games that may be played with your SkyTrak Launch Monitor. **Plans** [Pro Tee Play VIP - One Time Purchase][1] - $499 $399 [Pro Tee Play…

Tips for Use Guide

This will guide you through essentials as a user so you can get ready to enjoy your SkyTrak Launch Monitor . * We recommend hitting off a mat designed specifically for golf. Place the ball or the base of the tee on the red dot projected by the laser. If a mat is not available, we suggest hitting a tee from the gras…

What Is SkyTrak? An In-Depth Explanation

If you’re looking for a concise and brief overview of SkyTrak, what it is, how it works and what all the data elements indicate, then please watch our educational video series which explains all of the main points of the SkyTrak system. * [What is SkyTrak?][1] * [How does SkyTrak Work?][2] * [What Do The Number…

Quick Start Guide

Thank you for purchasing the **SkyTrak Launch Monitor**! This guide will give you a quick walkthrough of getting it all set up and ready for use. * * * ![][1] * * * ![][2] * * * **Downloading the SkyTrak Application.** The SkyTrak Application is available for compatible iOS, Android, and Windows PC's. 1. Vis…

How to Pair your SkyTrak

Your SkyTrak Launch Monitor has multiple ways to connect to the SkyTrak Application. [Direct Mode][1], [Network Mode][2], and [USB Mode][3] (Windows PC only). Launch your SkyTrak Application and select the SkyTrak Button to learn more about each connection type. ![][4] Setting up USB Mode (Windows PC Only): 1. Wi…

SkyTrak Launch Monitor User Guide

This User Guide will pin point you in the right direction to all the knowledge you need to set up, connect, and enjoy your SkyTrak Launch Monitor! **Set up.** * [What is SkyTrak Launch Monitor?][1] * [Downloading the SkyTrak Application][2] * [Setting up Your SkyTrak Launch Monitor for Use][3] * [How to Conn…

Guide To Setting Up Your SkyTrak for Use

To quickly set up your SkyTrak Launch Monitor after connecting to your application, follow these steps. 1. Turn on your device and ensure your SkyTrak Launch Monitor and SkyTrak Application [have successfully connected][1]. 2. Place your SkyTrak Launch Monitor on a flat surface and at the same level as your hitting …

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